Sunday, November 9, 2008


Hi All,

The last 3 weeks have been incredibly busy preparing for the Phase I Final Review. We had to shoot 10 different shots while at the same time attending school for 8 hours a day and 3 new assignments a week. Lots and lots things to do and keep track of! Learning lots of new stuff and having fun!

Here are a few the images that I turned in for my assignments.

New England Life:

Outdoor Portrait with Flash: (Becky - fellow student and friend as the model)

Outdoor Portrait (Monika - fellow student and friend as the model):

More to follow!!!

Love Gidget


Debbie Fox said...

I put Turners Falls tempertures on my home page, and burrr it's cold up there. I hope by now Phase I is done and you can breathe for a moment. I know you are quickly onto Phase II but you have TG break coming up. Are you going to try to go home for the holiday, or stay there. I'm alone for the first time ever on TG, neither of my kids will make it home. I took some good pictures last weekend at the botanical gardens, foilage was perfect as was the day.
Anyway, stay warm and I'll talk to you later.
Debbie Fox

Gidget said...

Hey Debbie!

It is cold here, except the last couple of day have been really warm!

You should post some of your pics. I would love to see them!


Debbie Fox said...

I have recently uploaded some photos to My stream of photos is under magic_eyes50. When I couldn't come to school I joined a photo club, Picture this of Hampton Roads. I just wanted get together with some people doing what I'm doing. They do different locations, Sunday we're going to caravan and go to several different spots. I'll let you know what I come up with. Then we meet once a month, and someone puts together a program. It's been a good way for me to meet some new people.
Anyway, check it out. Take care and I'll talk to you later.