Saturday, January 31, 2009

Still Alive

Hi all,

Just a quick note to say that I am alive! It has been super busy for me. I have 18 pending assignments and 16 are shoots. Will put more on my blog later, I have just a minute and wanted to post my self portrait. This self portrait I did a tribute to an artist's painting. A fellow student painted my face and I did the rest in Photoshop. Tell me your thoughts!

(Updated the pic with the original image so that you can see what is real and what is Photoshop!)


Monika Michelle said...

Great detail. Your patience and hard work shows in this one!

Debbie Fox said...

Hey Gidget,
I know your slammed with work, but thanks for taking a few minutes to let us know how your doing. Very interesting work, I love it. I bit it's amazing to work like that in photo shop.
HOpe your well, and trying to stay warm. Take care.

Kristi said...

Hey Girlie! I LOVE this one! So creative! Great job! Can't wait to see more of your work! Love u

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aunt Janice here to tell you that I like everything but the red section. I think it takes the focus away from the main body of the work. Otherwise I love it and think you are the most tallented person I know. You are really expanding your horizens. GO GIRL love to you and the kitties. ps I just sent you an E before I checked your blog